There was a time when leaders were operating by “trial and error,” but we now have evidence from around the world over the past year of what strategies for managing the COVID-19 pandemic are effective, and what are not. One of the qualities of a good leader is to learn from others who have been successful.
Leaders facing new strains / waves of the pandemic can use the strategies of successful regions by employing a combination of strong leadership and coordinated, intersectoral response. Key strategies and leadership lessons:
- The Precautionary Principle should be your guide.
- Do not fall into the false dichotomy of “economy vs. public health.” A shorter economic hit from full measures will enable opening normally and restoring the economy, rather than a yo-yo of half measures off and on over a longer period (see economic analysis from McKinsey, BCG, IMF).
- Aim for #COVIDZero. The only successful strategy is to rapidly suppress the virus by stopping transmission and restoring normal activity once there is no, or very low, community transmission.
- Test, trace and isolate!
- Engage in open, transparent communication with the public.
- Communicate clearly how COVID-19 is transmitted so individuals and institutions can visualize it and protect themselves.
- Do not ignore any sections of the community; everyone is at risk.
- Lead by example – don’t contradict your own guidelines!
- Listen to scientists and update response frequently to meet rapidly emerging evidence.
- Learn from other leaders responses, and aim to enhance your own accordingly.
(adapted from Health policy and leadership models during the COVID-19 pandemic: A review, International Journal of Surgery, Sept 2020)
Coronavirus: Canada’s best-kept secret? The Atlantic bubble
LETTER: “Time for government to take aerosol transmission of COVID-19 seriously”
The following open letter from 363 Canadian experts was sent to the prime minister, premiers and chief medical officers of the federal, provincial and territorial governments. We are a group of physicians, scientists, occupational health and safety experts, engineers and nursing professionals who have been following COVID-19 developments closely. We are deeply concerned by the […]
Fancourt, Daisy. 2020. “People started breaking Covid rules when they saw those with privilege ignore them.” Guardian UK Opinion, January 2nd, 2020.
Compliance must be seen as the norm, or people will not stick to the restrictions. Dr Daisy Fancourt leads the UK Covid-19 Social Study at University College London. FULL TEXT: We’ve heard repeatedly during the past year that until mass vaccination is achieved, the key to managing the Covid-19 epidemic is controlling human behaviour. […]
“Is it time to build the Canadian Shield?”
COVID STRATEGIC CHOICES publishes: Understanding The Canadian Shield (Dec 30th, 2020) This strategy is designed to shield Canadians and our economy from both COVID and the unintended consequences of the fight against COVID. Determined action over the next few weeks could save 5,000 lives, create 320,000 jobs, and generate $37 B of economic growth […]