Expert panel tells White House coronavirus can spread through talking or even just breathing
Dr. Harvey Fineberg from US National Academy of Sciences reports that results of available studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing, in response to request concerning the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 could be spread by conversation, in addition to sneeze/cough-induced droplets. Currently available research supports the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 could be spread via bioaerosols generated directly by patients’ exhalation. How long coronavirus lingers in the air depends on several factors, including how much virus an infected individual puts out when breathing or talking, and also on the amount of circulation in the air. If you generate an aerosol of the virus with no circulation in a room, it’s conceivable that if you walk through later, you could inhale the virus, but if you’re outside, the breeze will likely disperse it.
Harvey Fineberg. 2020. “Rapid Expert Consultation on SARS-CoV-2 Viral Shedding and Antibody Response for the COVID-19 Pandemic.” National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, April 8, 2020